Art in the Bar: Art Unlocked | 2nd February – 23rd March 2024

Art in the Bar: Art Unlocked

Art and literature from those within the Criminal Justice System

2nd February – 23rd March 2024

The HMP Swansea and probation service Wales presents an exhibition of art and literature crafted by the hands of those we support.

The Engaging people on probation (EPOP)strategy is a program implemented by the Ministry of Justice in the UK that aims to reduce reoffending rates and improve rehabilitation among people serving community sentences and those released from prison on probation.

One of the Key principle is to listen to the voice of our service users.

This exhibition has arisen from one of the EPOP forums we run in Swansea, where People on probation who felt they would like to express their views and feeling in different format from the formal environment.

People in prison have discussed how Art/Poems give them the safe space to  share their messages, and see art as a strategy to support their mental health and rehabilitation, as well as  to be seen as humans. We
wanted to see if we could take these messages out of the CJS, to the Public.

We want  people in our care,  who are often excluded from society, to feel that they are being listened to and understood in the format and language that suits them.

Gareth Richards
Engaging People on Probation (EPOP)
Wales Region Manager