Preview: Friday 23rd August, 7pm
Networking Event: Saturday 24th August
Exhibition continues until 21st September
Gallery open: Tues – Sat 12 – 7pm
Gallery Bar open: Tues, Weds 12 – 7pm, Thurs 12 – 11pm, Friday and Saturday 12 – 1am
To View this information in Welsh, Click here.
Exhibiting artists:
CARN: Rita Ann | Veronica Calarco | Gill Collier | Llyr Davies | Morgan Griffith | Gareth Griffith | Rebecca F Hardy | Justine McGregor | Anthony Morris | Mike Murray | Gwen Vaughan | Susan Williams
CALL: Trish Bermingham | Wendy Leah Dawson | Emily – Jane Hillman | Pea Restall | Alana Tyson | Alan Whitfield
Undegun Arts: Marja Bonada | Rona Campbell | Katie Cyfenw | Deborah Dalton | David Lloyd Edwards | Louise Griffin | Melanie Hayes | Gary Jackson | Lynne Jones | Keith Lacey | Sophia Leadill | Tom Lostday | Georgia Nielson | Jasmine Roberts | Julie Rogers-Owen | James Story | David Williams
‘WE’RE FROM FURTHER NORTH THAN YOU’ launches the second of a series of exhibitions and networking events bringing together Artist networks from across Wales to create a platform for sharing skills, instigating creative conversations and nurturing new projects.
This exhibition & networking event will showcase the work of Studio artists from CALL (Culture Action Llandudno), CARN (Caernarfon Regional Artists network) and Undegun Studios in Wrexham. This follows on from last year’s exhibition ‘WE’RE FROM FURTHER SOUTH THAN YOU’ in North Wales by Swansea’s elysium studio artists.
Artist co-coordinators, instigators and practitioners from all groups will be on hand to talk about their work and what is happening in North Wales via a series of presentations and group discussions. There will also be a tour of the elysium studios set up and a chance to chat to some of the Swansea artists.
The aim of the Artist Studio Network Wales is to contribute to the sharing of expertise, research and ideas across artists and galleries who are kept apart geographically in Wales.
CALL & Haus Studio Project is a social Enterprise based in LLandudno, North Wales. Their mission is to facilitate the culture and experience-led regeneration of Llandudno, embedding the arts and cultural development in the long-term progression and evolution of the town.
CARN (Caernarfon Artist Regional Network) is a membership organisation and constituted group that works through artists to deliver benefits towards the wellbeing and prosperity of the community. It recognises that by helping artists to develop confident and thriving art practices, it can maximise the contribution they make to society.
Undegun Arts is an independent arts group with large gallery and studio spaces in Wrexham town centre.
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