‘After the End..’ is the first exhibition in the new home of Elysium Gallery and will be the only time we will be using all three floors in this massive building before the top 2 floors are carved up into artists’ studios. The building is currently a maze of large… read more
24hr Hour Poetry Marathon | 23rd April 2010
Dialogues – A Fake Romance? | 19th – 27th February 2010
Curated by Diana Ali, artists were invited to submit work based upon ‘Dialogue: A Fake Romance’. For a dialogue to form, the process requires another. When another is presented the dialogue becomes a dichotomy. Do we adopt another persona according to who we are talking to and how genuine is that chat? Dialogue can be seen as an exchange but this exchange is not always equal or amicable, it can manifest into an emotional charge, disagreements, it may lead to conflicts, irrationality, fake romances, or jealous contingencies. Does dialogue hinder us or further us?