Mark Houghton – Inbetweenies | 18th September – 10th October 2009

One of the perennial criticisms levelled at the white cube gallery is its dissociative relationship with the ‘real world’. By minimizing any unnecessary detail, removing distractions and presenting a blank environment, the gallery isolates the artwork from the very source it came from. While this often gives the viewer a… read more

British Racing Green – The Judge | 22nd – 29th May 2009

British Racing Green: The Judge The lead up to this show was where the BRG collective formed. Members at thetime were Jason Pinder, Ed Elliott, Sam Aldridge, Matt Skelley andSamuel Hasler. There work was produced in response to a short storywritten for the project by author and English teacher, Tom Sinclair. Thestory was titled ‘The Judge’. This was the first time the collective hadworked together and tried to find a way of producing work independentlybut in a way that linked works together and formed a coherentexhibition.

Overview | 20th February – 20th March 2009

An open exhibition of Modern Painting. Featuring the work of: Alan Armstrong | Alex Duncan | Andy Owen | Arwel Micah | Barry Thomas | Charlotte Swann | Colin Barfoot | Delpha Hudson | Dido Hallet | Elizabeth Evans | Emma Pearce | Fran Williams | Frederico Penteado | Heena… read more

Occidental Tourist | 23rd January – 7th February 2009

The Occidental Tourists are a Dublin Based group of artists. Working primarily but not exclusively in lens based digital media, this reprisal show presents the groups varying research interests. The culmination of the show was the collaborative video piece based on the western line of the LUAS, Dublin’s light rail… read more

Cabba Hey | 16th January 2009

Mr and Mrs Clark present A Post-Christmas/January Blues “Cabba Hey” to exercise the festive spirit and damn any misgivings for the New Year. With elements of the original “Cabba Hey” performance at Expermentica 2007 and performed at the opening of the Elysium Artspace this show will be a surreal selection of song,… read more

Mike Murray – Building Blocks | 12th December – 10th January

Mike Murray – Building Blocks  A mixed media show consisting of sculptural interventions using technology, place and the moving image. Building blocks: A4 to A1 is an exploration of the boundary or border line between urban planning and nature. The artworks are made up of a juxtapose of found media and a certain degree… read more