elysiumgallery Open Studios 2015


We would like to invite you and your guests to join us for an afternoon & evening of open studios and events to celebrate the 8th birthday of elysiumgallery and its growing community of over 100 artists. This will be the first time we will be opening up all three venues on the same day.

There will be an art raffle later on in the day, where you can have the chance to win pieces of work from studio artists.

Mansel Street, 2pm – 5pm:
The day’s proceedings begin with the artists opening their doors to the public for the afternoon. There will be cake, refreshments and music. Join us to toast our 8th birthday and the start of the day’s activities

College Street, 5pm – 8pm:


Lurking between street and soil, far from daylight is a network of elysiumgallery artists.
Dredging the murky depths of the former nightclub and emerging on the other side with a reanimated neon reality.
Where a grainy past meets a brighter present, through the use of light and sound.

Eh Wow
This exhibition featuring new work from Swansea College of Art photography students is the latest in a continuation of their annual tradition of showcasing into what the up and coming photography artists at the university have been working on over the summer. The show promises to offer a diverse and engaging body of work.

This exhibition and the elysiumgallery 8th birthday celebrations will be formally opened by Emma Geliot, Editor of CCQ magazine.

High Street 8pm – Late:
The new High Street studios are currently home to over 50 artists including Swansea College of Art MA course, the is this/this project space and The Jane Phillips Award and elysiumgallery residency spaces. All the studios will be open including an evening affordable art market, Art raffle, music, party and refreshments.


