Beep Painting Residencies 2018
Kena Brown | Sophie Harding | Dylan Williams
June 4 – Aug 16
Paint to the Teeth Bone
Preview Friday 17 August 7pm
Exhibition continues until Saturday Sept 1
Three Swansea College of Art students were chosen to be this year, the Beep Painting Biennial artists’ in residence. Selected by Professor Catrin Webster and elysium/Beep Director Jonathan Powell, these emerging artists were offered valuable studio time, mentorship followed by an exhibition at elysium gallery.
Kena Brown’s work analyses the forms of emotions, creating a visual concept through automatism. Her paintings document thought process and memories through instinctive mark making and line. Colour arises spontaneously from thoughts, and a title is triggered from memories. The paintings explore the unseen and the primal instincts of what it is to be a painter.
Sophie Harding’s jarring portraits are focused around the human condition – psychology and conflicts of the mind. The artist challenges the conventional ideas of portraiture by obscuring the identity of the subject rather than depicting it. Facial recognition is difficult as the artist explores notions of identity, fragility and absence.
Dylan Williams documents everyday life through daily walks and the constant observing of his surroundings that trigger his energetic and lively paintings. Inspired by the landscapes of the old masters, William’s dense hurried lines also echo painters such as Leon Kossoff and John Virtue.
Artists’ residencies took place at the elysium Orchard St studios throughout June & July before continuing at elysium gallery culminating in their exhibition ‘Paint to the Teeth Bone’ as a part of this year’s Beep Painting Biennial.