Artist Talk: Patricia Ziad

Event Details

Elysium Gallery and ESPY Photo Award is inviting you to a scheduled live Zoom artist talk with photographer Patricia Ziad
Time: Jul 15, 2020 19:30 PM

Please note that this talk will be recorded and posted to our Youtube channel at a later date.

Please register with this link:

Meeting ID: 829 4908 8496
Password: 126593

Patricia Ziad’s photographic practice explore and experiment with the blurry line between photographic and artistic process. Ziad is particularly interested in responding to experience or context through impulsive, intuitive image making, which she produces using both alternative photographic practice and more painterly techniques.

Subjects that hold the most interest for the artist are social history, post- industrial, urban, and abstract using film and a medium format Hasselblad. Alternative processes are primarily chemigrams, using expired paper, new paper, exposed paper, new and old chemicals and a wide variety of resists and techniques.

This elysium gallery led event was made possible through funding from the Arts Council of Wales National Lottery stabilisation Fund. Helping support artists and arts organisations during the COVID-19 pandemic
instagram: @patriciaziad