Sit back and watch your heart break!
Guto and Danny’ show encompasses songs and tunes, in Welsh, English and sometimes Breton, traditional and contemporary – a repertoire that has grown out of their own personal and musical landscape. The performances take you on a journey through stories of broken hearts and dysfunctional relationships, and celebrate the beautiful unsatisfactoriness of life, delivered with a combination of deep seriousness and dry humour.
Distinctly and distinctively Welsh, there is also something European in their dramatic yet matter-of-fact delivery and in the unique dialogue between the accordion and guitar.
Ymlaciwch, a gwyliwch doriad eich calon
Mae Guto a Danny yn cyflwyno caneuon ac alawon o Gymru, Lloegr a Llydaw yn y tair iaith. Yn draddodiadol a chyfoes bob yn ail- mae’u repertoire wedi magu mewn tirwedd bersonol. Siwrne yw’r perfformiad, drwy fyd torcalonnus, a pherthnasau wedi’u ffaelu fel dathliad diflastod prydferth bywyd hon- c ym mywyd hwnnw y mae hiwmor sych yn yr anialwch emosiynol.
Er Gymreig yw ei byd, mae elfen Ewropeaidd yn eu harddull ddramatig a sych, ac yn arbennig yn neialog rhwng y tannau a’r fegin