Amy Beech | Natalie Chapman | Tamblyn Foster | Ruth Goodger | Charlotte Ashleigh Halton-Davies | John Herriott | Michele Laugharne Perrott | Beth Pritchard | Martin Reed | Tirion Haf Rees
Tuesday 1st April, 7-9PM \ MAWRTH 1 EBRILL, 7-9yp
Exhibition continues until 6th April \ ARDDANGOSFA YN PARHAU TAN 6 EBRILL
Open Wednesday – Sunday 12 – 5pm \ AMSERAU AGOR MERCHER – SUL 12 – 5YP
Moments in Time is an exhibition of BA Fine Art students currently studying at University of Wales Trinity St Davids, Coleg Sir Gar, Carmarthen.
This exhibition presents reactions to the past, present and moments that evoke responses to individual experiences in time.
Amy Beech produces work with the intention of bringing light to the forgotten. Her work is a combination of her own experiences and the stories of others.
Beth Pritchard’s work is eclectic, a lot like her personal memories. Through the mediums she uses she strives to preserve them.
Charlotte Ashleigh Halton-Davies takes a journey through the nest of belonging to look at the meaning of ‘Hiraeth’.
John Herriott looks through the mirror image of Carmarthen and Sarajevo.
Martin Reed’s work explores how simple moments in life can often be the most inspirational and become our greatest and enduring memories.
As Michele Laugharne Perrott creates work memories are stirred and moments in time are rediscovered.
Natalie Chapman paints to remember and paints to erase, the places she felt safe. It has never occurred to her to paint about anything else.
Ruth Goodger is interested in using a hint or suggestion of the human form to reveal the inner life of the individual.
Tamblyn Foster’s work revolves around nature and our connection to the Earth. She portrays the need for radical change in our relationship to the Earth.
Tirion Haf Rees’ work delves into home and personal spaces, assessing influence and the impact of Welsh culture. She questions the objects that surround her revealing their meaning-are they a consequence of having to maintain a tradition and so become an object of desire?
This is the latest of a series of exhibitions at Elysium gallery showcasing the work of students currently studying in South Wales.
Digwyddiad Mewn Amser
Mae ‘Digwyddiad Mewn Amser’ yn arddangosfa gan fyfyrwyr BA Celfyddyd Gain sy’n astudio ym Mhrifysgol Cymru Y Drindod Dewi Sant, Coleg Sir Gâr, Caerfyrddin. Mae’r sioe yn cyflwyno ymateb i’r gorffennol, y presennol a’r eiliadau sy’n ysgogi ymatebion i brofiadau unigol mewn amser.
Mae Amy Beech yn cynhyrchu gwaith gyda’r bwriad o ddod â goleuni i’r angof. Mae ei gwaith yn gyfuniad o’i phrofiadau hi ei hun a straeon eraill.
Mae gwaith Beth Pritchard yn eclectig, fel ei atgofion personol. Mae’n ceisio cadw ei hatgofion trwy’r cyfrwng mae’n ddefnyddio.
Mae Charlotte Ashleigh Halton Davies yn teithio drwy y nyth perthyn i edrych ar ystyr ‘Hiraeth’ .
Mae John Herriott yn edrych ar ddrychddelweddau Caerfyrddin a Sarajevo .
Mae gwaith Martin Reed yn archwilio’r ffaith mai’r adegau syml mewn bywyd yw’r rhai mwyaf ysbrydoledig a’r ffordd y mae’r rhain yn creu’r atgofion mwyaf pharhaol.
Wrth i Michele Laugharne Perrott greu gwaith mae atgofion yn cael eu cyffroi ac mae digwyddiadau mewn amser yn cael eu haildarganfod.
Mae Natalie Chapman yn paentio i gofio a phaentio i ddileu, y llefydd mae’n teimlo’n ddiogel. Nid yw wedi croesi ei meddwl i baentio unrhywbeth arall.
Mae gan Ruth Goodger ddiddordeb mewn defnyddio awgrym y ffurf ddynol i ddatgelu bywyd mewnol yr unigolyn.
Natur a’r cysylltiad gyda’r ddaear sydd wrth galon gwaith Tamblyn Foster. Mae’n portreadu yr angen i ni newid ein perthynas â’r ddaear.
Mae gwaith Tirion Haf Rees yn ymchwilio i mewn i gartref a mannau personol, gan asesu dylanwad ac effaith diwylliant Cymreig. Mae’n amau y gwrthrychau sy’n ei hamgylchynu ac yn datgelu eu hystyr – ydyn nhw o ganlyniad i orfod cynnal traddodiad ac felly yn dod yn wrthrych o awydd?