Swansea No Borders Fundraiser w/ Gower Soundclash + Truly Kaput + Y Delynquent + DJs

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Swansea No Borders present some of finest and most fiendish musical acts from the Swansea area to create a wall of noise capable of tearing down all the hateful borders, so if you love music and hate the racist borders join us! Music, raffles and raising some cash for the good fight ✊. Join us in saying “all migrants are welcome here!!”

Mae Dim Ffiniau Abertawe yn cyflwyno rhai o berfformwyr cerddorol gorau a mwyaf ffyrnig ardal Abertawe i greu wal o sŵn allai rwygo i lawr yr holl ffiniau atgas. Os wyt ti’n dwlu ar gerddoriaeth ac yn casáu’r ffiniau hiliol, ymuna â ni! Cerddoriaeth, rafflau a chodi arian am y frwydr dda ✊.
Ymunwch â ni i ddweud “mae croeso yma i bob ymfudwr!!!”

Featuring music from…

Gower Soundclash

Gower Soundclash bring the heaviest beats and baggiest low-end from the peninsula with their unique dub influenced flavours, heavy hitting lyricism and party vibes. Their digital dubs live set-up spans the full spectrum from sparse dub rhythms to four to the floor steppa style skank outs. Comprised of Chairman chris Dow on bass and buttons, Adzi on vocals and melodica and Will Roper on trumpet, dub siren and hardware.

Truly Kaput & The Midnight Tremblers

Post punk existential sonic sleaze and Grindr-core!

Y Delynquent

Insurgent trad harp from the depths of south Wales.