Gemma Lowe

Mae gwaith Gemma Lowe yn cwestiynu beth yw cartref, neu a all fod ac yn archwilio ei syniadau trwy baentiadau, ysgrifennu cymdeithasau am ddim a pherfformio. Ar gyfer MEWNrhwng, mae Gemma wedi gwneud gwaith sy’n dwyn ynghyd ei hymatebion i fannau estynedig a newidiol yn y cartref. Trwy gydweithrediad, mae hi’n defnyddio sgyrsiau fel sbardunau ar gyfer delweddaeth, daw taith gerdded yn dilyn llwybr, trywydd ymholi chwareus, empathig. Mae hi’n cydymdeimlo â’r lleoedd y mae’n preswylio ynddynt. Trwy baentiadau, lluniadau ac ysgrifennu, mae’n arsylwi ac yn olrhain symudiadau’r ffurfiau a’r ffigurau hyn yn ofalus yn y gobaith y byddant yn dychwelyd empathi.

Gemma Lowe’s work questions what home is, or can be and explores her ideas through paintings, free association writing and performance. For MEWNrhwng, Gemma has made work which pulls together her responses to extended and changed spaces within the home. Through collaboration, she uses conversations as triggers for imagery, a walk becomes following a path, a playful, empathic line of enquiry. She empathises with the spaces she inhabits. Through paintings, drawings and writing she carefully observes and traces the movements of these forms and figures in the hope they reciprocate empathy.

Gemma Lowe (b. Manchester, U.K) studied MA Painting at Royal College of Art (2012-14) and BA (Hons) Fine Art at Sheffield Hallam University (2002-5). She held her first solo show, Throwing Shapes at 84 Hatton Garden, London in 2015. In 2016, Gemma joined a group residency in Evia, Greece. The opportunity to develop her work and test ideas led to a group show entitled Duplicit at SNEHTA in Athens. Later in 2016, Gemma was invited to perform her work Without Roof or Rule publicly during the Art Licks Weekend, as part of Working from Home, AMP Gallery and most recently she held her second Solo exhibition, Small Talk, with Coleman Projects in London.

She exhibits and works on a range of collaborative projects internationally and has presented her work in formal settings and for higher education audiences.