Ryan Christopher Courtier | Dan Edwards | Bare-Grizzly | Abigail Littlewood | Kat Ridgeway | Jax Robinson | Eifion Sven-Meyer | Kathryn Trussler | Catherine Williams
Exhibition continues until 1st March \ ARDDANGOSFA YN PARHAU TAN 1 MAWRTH
Open Wednesday – Saturday 12 – 5pm \ AMSERAU AGOR MERCHER – SADWRN 12 – 5YP
Gordon Gordon is an exhibition of nine artists all currently studying Fine Art in their second year at University of Wales Trinity St. David, Swansea. The work on show will offer an exciting glimpse of emerging artists’ progress as they reach the mid-point of their degrees.
Abigail Littlewood’s work explores decay amongst organic forms, using time-based mediums to highlight the process which would normally go unnoticed. The nature of the medium used often captures the physical state of the subject in its decayed form.
“Bare-Grizzly has bridged the realms of the street art scene combining urban decay, political satire, with the bohemian world of the surreal and abstract. Merging his love for a grim fancy of pop art, without a condescending pretentious attitude, makes him universal. He plays with raw, graphic visuals that create a voice that carries no nonsense. What you see is what you get and what we see is invigorating.” – Host Apparel.
Catherine Williams – Juxtaposition in rural and city areas. Her work stems from her sense of belonging. She has explored maps and textured material and has moved onto photography and site specific work.
Dan Edwards ink pen illustrations take the form of social commentary, utilizing a range of broad socio contexts. Edwards adopts a critical stance on the subject of post-modernity, bringing to the forefront of our minds the impact and influence cultural channels have on forming our personal identities.
Jax Robinson seeks to explore, through ink, paint and varnish, the space between seashores and abstraction. The fluidity of pouring and controlling these mediums reflects the ocean – with layers being deposited and stripped away to create a surface that explores both texture and scale.
Ryan Courtier is fascinated with notions of paradise upon Earth; Courtier utilizes every available media exploring sense of existence. Focusing on the loss of Universal beauty in a World of confusion, Open-endedness is a vital element in Courtier’s work allowing unexpected encounters to naturally occur.
Kat Ridgway’s recent work encompasses nostalgia, reflection, narrative, sentiment and mortality, using portraiture as the vehicle of exploration. A connection between the artist and a grave in Llanelli, has been an organic source of inspiration. Mary Morgans died Dec 21st 1873 aged 26. She out lived 6 of her children who are all buried with her.
Kathryn Trussler’s work explores the potential of portraiture with the aid of unconventional materials. These can range from the unusual to the ephemeral. The uncontrollable factors of the experiments often demand her to let nature take its course.
Eifion Sven-Myer engages with a process-based methodology and explores the concept of working intuitively with paint and other materials. Themes he explores include mental illness (specifically Menieres disease), the current zeitgeist, and the depiction of art materials as objects of beauty.
Gordon Gordon is the latest in a series of short exhibitions we have coming up showcasing the work of students currently studying in South Wales.
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