My work is illustration, animation and visual narrative based which focuses on repeating patterns as a way to cope with the everyday. In my practice I take an everyday problem and try to partition into smaller parts which make them easier to deal with. I find that there is an absurdity to modernity where tasks are demanded to be completed at a quick pace with a high performance rate with the risk of being fired if we fail them. Work like animation and illustration are highly repetitive where the same character, image or location are drawn time and time again in order to perfect them making them an easy weathered stone that isn’t complicated and abrasive. By practicing that process I try to draw similarities with the daily grind and how each individual develops their own mantra to escape the mundane. I have developed projects on the inner space of the mind as a comfort zone to come back to when times are troubling and lenticular animation which makes something un-real become real.
I graduated from University of Wales Trinity St. David in 2009 and am currently studying an M.A. at the same university. My work has appeared in a couple of shows within Swansea, most interesting of which was the “Ghosts of Gone Birds” exhibition where my work was also shown in the book of the same name.