Rebecca F Hardy

Cysylltiadau – Newidiadau – Symuiad

Delio â Materion Pryder, llencyndod, ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar, dulliau ac effeithiau gwleidyddol 2020. Mae gwaith Rebecca yn datgymalu thema gyda ffurfiau, deunyddiau, ffotograffau a fideos ymchwil. Mae’r gwaith yn llai cynnil, gydag ymyriadau o siapiau a ffurfiau i gyfleu naratif neu emosiwn. Gan ddefnyddio deunyddiau domestig a cyffredin, deunydd ffotograffig mewn fformatau sgwâr cyfryngau cymdethasol, dan ddylanwad trafodaethau chwyddo a thestun gan gyd-artistiaid sy’n cymryd rhan. Mae Rebecca yn effeithio ar yr eiliadau cudd, distaw hynny o feddwl a hiraeth am gysylltiad dynol / cyffyrddiad pandemig.

Connections – Transitions – Movement

Dealing with issues of anxiety, adolescence, mindfulness, environmental and political impacts of 2020. Rebecca’s work dismantles them with forms, materials, photographs and research videos. The work is subtle, with interventions of shapes and forms to convey a narrative or emotion. Using domestic and mundane materials, photographic material in square social media formats, influenced by zoom discussions and written text by fellow participating artists. Rebecca effectuates those hidden, silent moments of thought and the longing of human connection/touch during the pandemic.

Rebecca F Hardy is a multi-disciplined artist; her work is the prolonged fascination with cataloguing artifacts, repetitive movements, and the subtlety of objects. Exploration of materials and relationships between surface and object, colour, layers, and patterns drives the process. Relatively the artwork relates to the conduct of human nature, its behaviour to perform consciously and subconsciously and the complexity of emotions upon the individual.

Research, exploration and use of human anatomy, domestic objects and every so often her own fluttering state of mind are embedded in the work. Making her sculptures and installations act as vessels and metaphors and co-exist with an array of materials and the space it temporarily consists in.

Recent Projects/Showcases: Ty Pawb Open 2020, Gwyl y Ferch 2020, Wales in Venice Invigilation Programme 2019, LLAWN07 Arts and Performance Festival Llandudno 2019, Trosoddiad [Takeover], Balaclafa, Caernarfon 2019, I’r Mor, CASTELL03Collaboration with Najia Bagi, curated by Manon Awst, Caernarfon 2018,,In collaboration with 5 female mother artists, Alana Tyson, Rebecca Gould, Elly Strigner, Emily Barrosa, curated by Alana Tyson, Haus, Llandudno 2018.

Rebecca has worked as a freelance project coordinator and workshop facilitator for 15 years in Cardiff, London and North Wales. She is currently part of the Creative Tim at Galeri, Caernarfon, and the chairman for the artist-led group/network CARN, and on the committee for Y Lle Celf, National Eisteddfod. She also started a bespoke picture framing business ‘Stiwdio Ffram’ with artist Morgan Griffith.