Return Journey | 29th November – 20th December 2014

Preview \ RHAGOLWG
Saturday 29TH November, 7-9PM \ SADWRN 29 TACHWEDD, 7-9yp

Exhibition continues until 20TH December \ ARDDANGOSFA YN PARHAU TAN 20 RHAGFYR

Open Wednesday – Sunday, 12 – 5pm / Amserau agor Mercher – Sul, 12 – 5YP


The Old Iceland Building, 27-29 High Street, SA1 1NU

As part of the Dylan Thomas Centenary celebrations elysiumoffsite has created a project based on Dylan Thomas’  autobiographical short story Return Journey, in which Dylan returns to Swansea  the town of his birth, devastated by the blitz of Febuary 1941, searching for his younger self and the town he grew up in. He  encounters local people who vividly describe the young Thomas. The story was originally written for BBC radio in 1943.

This exhibition will include the results of a series of Community based workshops run by Swansea based artists, Anna Barratt, Lucy Donald and Tim Kelly, who worked with Terrace Rd Primary School, Cryg Glas, Age Cymru, Swansea Bay Asylum Seekers Group, Esgyr, Caer Las  and the general public. The workshop participants were encouraged to portray their interpretations of their own personal  relationships with Swansea as a sense of place, a home, a place of refuge, of work, their hopes and aspirations or  maybe just  memories of past times. The artwork generated will include sound recordings, a web forum, ipad drawings, ink, and drawings with conventional materials.

The exhibition will include the Welsh premiere of the film Spilling the Ink.  Dylan’s Return  made by David Marchant as an artistic reponse, retracing some of the those steps taken by Dylan Thomas and his encounters, whilst incorporating archival images and some of the work created in the series of Community based workshops.

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Digital image: David Marchant

The project was concieved and co-ordinated by by Ann Jordan, a founder director of elysiumgallery.

Spilling the Ink. Dylan’s Return will be shown at elysiumgallery’s. From Here to There, exhibition as part of the cultural exchange with  Colorado State University, USA  at  The Clara Hatton Gallery, Fort Collins, Colorado, demonstrating elysiugallery’s commitment to our community.

elysiumoffsite would like to thank the people of Swansea, Terrace Rd Primary School,Cryg Glas, Age Cymru, Swansea Bay Asylum Seekers Group, Esgyr, Caer Las, West Glamorgan Archive Service, ATComputors Ltd, Dylan Thomas 100 festival and the City and County of Swansea for all their participation and support.

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