Sense of Place | 24th January – 8th February 2014

Preview: Friday 24th January 2014 7 – 9pm

Exhibition continues until: Saturday 8th February

Sarah Lees | Katie Jane Vickers | Hugh Williams | Matthew Thomas | Catherine Bowen Jones  

 ‘Sense of Place’ is an exhibition of five artists all currently studying on the new and exciting MA at The University of Wales Trinity Saint David, Carmarthen taught by Bryan Thomas, Iwan Bala and Peter Finnemore.  This cross-media exhibition will include glass work and photography by Catherine Bowen-Jones whose work is based on her memories of her mothers’ watchful eyes through net curtains from her childhood home. Sculpture is represented by Hugh Williams’ birds. Made with welded steel and found objects. Hugh captures the essence of birds using humorous, abstracted forms. Painting by Sarah Lees, whose small scale oil paintings represent wasteland with the use of dissolving, shifting lyrical forms and spots and dabs of light. Landscape inspired mixed media paintings from Katie Vickers, whose paintings are made on-location using site specific natural materials and then left to the will of the elements for transition. Matthew Thomas brings computer generated images inspired by Middle Eastern geometric patterns, realising ideas experimentally using the most up to date methods that are practically available.