Beep Artist in residence: Eifion Sven-Myer

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Eifion Sven-Myer is the Beep 2016 Painting Prize artist in residence and will be talking about his work at the elysium gallery High street studios IS THIS / THIS IS…project space.

The evening will also act as a painters dicussion on the upcoming Painting Parallels, The Painters Studio & Beep 2016 exhibitions.

Eifion’s ideas revolve around ideas of space and processes of transformation, he seeks to widen the usually strict boundaries of painting and inspire a dialogue around the processes and construction of his work. Using former paintings, mirrors and recycled wood. The aim of this residency will be to create an obscure space that one would walk into where the boundaries merge. A room where two and three-dimensions fluctuate, where paintings have been manipulated into sculptures and the walls and floor have become supports for paintings.

Not being restricted by having a specific “style” of painting, allows him to move between figurative and abstract styles, to create a tension between the two. Even though he uses different mediums to create compositions, the process of painting is what interests him, and each painting is a step-by-step journey and final destination of the work is not clear at the start. He does not use any direct influences from other artists, either past or present as he works from his own mind, and responds to materials he finds.

Situated in the elysiumgallery High Street studios, the IS THIS/THIS IS….. test-bed space is primarily used by residency artists and the elysiumgallery studios community. The aim is to enable artists to work and experiment towards creating new work in an environment outside of their usual studio practice in preparation for critical discussions within the group. The space enables artists to develop, to build, to take risks, to test and to invite there peers to see the work in progress.