An elysiumgallery & Artawe: Arts Resource Swansea offsite project
A unique and innovative events space for Swansea’s High Street, selling and exhibiting original artworks from both established and emerging artists, opens its doors to the public on Friday 8th April 2016 and will initially run for 3 months.
theBLOC, run by elysium studios’ artists in collaboration with elysium gallery and Coastal Housing Group, aims to establish itself as High Street’s premier arts hub. It will offer affordable, high-quality art prints, contemporary paintings and other original artworks in an informal and friendly shop and gallery setting.
Elysiumgallery is dedicated to keeping the city’s most talented, creative people living and working here in Swansea. Currently, elysiumgallery provides work spaces for nearly 100 people across the city centre and runs a busy exhibitions programme at the College Street main gallery space and various offsite locations.
Elysium has become Wales’ largest studio provider with many of the studio artists now setting up their own businesses. elysiumgallery has become one of the country’s entrepreneurial success stories within the cultural sector. We have supported Swansea’s emerging talent over a number of years and theBLOC is a tangible outcome of this support. We aim to motivate artists to blossom and take control of their own career destinies. Artists, like those in theBLOC and the others we support in our studio network, contribute towards making Swansea a more vibrant place to work and visit.
A full programme of Workshops and other art events in theBLOC, which will be open to the public will be announced soon.
theBLOC, at 217 High Street launch event at 6:00pm Friday 8 April
All welcome
Opening times: Tuesday – Saturday,10:00am – 5:00pm.