Art’s Birthday, Wales presents:
In the face of intergalactic collapse…near, near here…
Episode VIII: Mos Eisley or Bust
An austerity science fiction epic made by the people, for the people!
Yes! We need your contributions to get this ol’ post-millenium kestrel off the ground (once and for all)!
This could take the form of storyboards for a scene, concept art (scenery, spaceships etc.), character designs, short written scenes, even some home-made clips, sound FX, theme music, posters etc. etc.
All contributions welcome! All media, all styles, all ages, all lifeforms!
The combined efforts will be premiered at a grand austerity opening party at our Mos Eisely bar and disco on the evening of Saturday 16th January. All Welcome!
Strict dress code: Sci-fi fancy dress, ‘film premiere smart’ or just plain Boba Fett.
We are also looking for people to contribute on the premiere night, going all out with fancy dress, cos play, make up, action role-play, lightsabers, alien karaoke, jedi training, cameos, walk-ons, extras, etc.
On the premiere night there will be prizes for: best bounty hunter costume, best alien language (spoken continuously for 10 mins), most fluorescent cocktail, best future fashion, best radio controlled droid and more.
On Sunday 17th January there will be a post party Sci-fi Sunday dinner with film screenings and intergalactic activities. Again, we are looking for artists to contribute to the day.
This event marks the 1,000,053rd BIRTHDAY of Art and the 8th year of Art’s Birthday celebrations in Swansea.
All contributions, ideas and questions: or via Facebook