Heather Parnell – Underfoot

Event Details

Heather Parnell – Underfoot

Preview Friday 1st May, 7pm 

Exhibition continues until 13th June

Artist talks: TBA

Open Wednesday – Saturday 12-7pm

“The banal, the quotidian, the obvious, the common, the ordinary, the infra-ordinary, the background noise, the habitual? […] How are we to speak of these common things, how to track them down, how to flush them out, wrest them from the dross in which they are mired, how to give them meaning, a tongue, to let them, finally, speak of what it is, who we are”.             Georges Perec, Species of Spaces

Heather Parnell is a visual artist whose practice is centred on objects, the everyday, and the overlooked; the familiar things that form the common ground of daily human experiences and routines. She collects and responds to mundane found objects, searching for hidden or potential qualities. Heather enlists the sensory properties of substances and processes to reveal and transform fragments that are close to hand and in this particular exhibition, underfoot.

Through the process of casting with latex, the daily journeys between train station and studio have been the focus for the artwork in Gallery three. Heather has collected material in Osaka and Swansea during two artist residencies: in August 2019 at Atelier Outotsu, and in April 2020 at Elysium studios.

Heather Parnell studied Fine Art at Manchester Metropolitan University, Exeter College of Art and the University of South Wales. She divides her time between her studio practice, art education and Arts in Health. Heather is the recipient of awards from the Leverhulme Trust, the Arts Council of Wales and Wales Arts International.