Live Music: Julie Murphy & Ceri Rhys Matthews

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A fantastic opportunity to see Julie Murphy and Ceri Rhys Matthews in an intimate setting on Swansea’s High Street.

Cyfle gwych i weld Julie Murphy a Ceri Rhys Matthews mewn lleoliad cartrefol ar Stryd Fawr Abertawe.

Mae Julie Murphy a Ceri Rhys Matthews yn aelodau sylfaenol o’r grwp gwerin arloesol ac uchel ei parch yn rhyngwladol, fernhill.

Fel deuawd maent yn perfformio caneuon traddodiadol ac alawon dawns o Gymru a thu hwnt, gyda phwyslais arbennig ar gerddoriaeth a phrydyddiaeth Gorllewin Cymru. Mae eu cofiannau cain cerddorol o dirwedd a diwylliant yn bythol a chyffredinol.

Maent wedi teithio ledled y byd ac mae eu cerddoriaeth wedi’i ddarlledu ar BBC Radio 3 In Tune a Late Junction, BBC Radio Cymru, BBC Alba, BBC Radio 2 a gorsafoedd leded Ewrop.

Julie Murphy and Ceri Rhys Matthews are founder members of groundbreaking and Internationally respected Welsh folk group fernhill.

As a duo they perform traditional songs and dance tunes from Wales and beyond, with particular emphasis on the music and poetry of West Wales. Their exquisite musical evocations of landscape and culture are timeless and universal.

They have toured worldwide and their music has been featured on BBC Radio 3’s In Tune and Late junction, BBC Radio Cymru, BBC Alba, BBC Radio 2 and stations across Europe.

Free entry. Music to start around 8pm.

Mynediad am ddim. Cerddoriaeth i ddechrau tua 8pm.