Marking 30 years of R*E*P*E*A*T – Swansea Leg/Yn nodi 30 mlynedd o R*E*P*E*A*T – Sioe Abertawe

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Almost unbelievably, 2024 will mark 30 years since we first put Pritt stick to paper and released our messy, muddled, subversive and silly musings on the world. Since then of course we’ve released over 100 records, put on hundreds of gigs, published 3 books, produced 2 billion badges and eaten 356,567 chips.
If any of us are still here, we hope to mark this ‘achievement’ with all day gigs and exhibitions in Swansea and Cambridge.
In Swansea we are delighted to welcome to our new spiritual home of Elysium the following S*T*A*Rs, running order TBA but we hope to start at around noon:

“Kikker’s sound trundles through on the back of a caustic cavalcade of guitars, and an abrasive howl from the depths laced with withering sardonic scorn, it’s inspired by anger, injustice and inequality. It sounds like The Birthday Party‘s spitting rage and fury, colliding with the relentlessness of the early work of Fontaines DC. Absolutely fearsome and truly cathartic to hear” God is in the TV Zine
Llanelli’s Fun Loving Disco Punks, have to be seen to be believed.
“a band to keep your ears out for, with a contorting sound that challenges expectation at every turn”
Lacross Club
Energy, joy, melody, chaos, adrenaline and ear grabbing songs – no wonder Lacross Club have been turning heads across Wales and selling out venues across South Wales.
Egg Spectrum of Rainyday Rainbow
The omelette of Invention
Startlingly original solo project from Rainyday Rainbow’s Good Egg
The Shunkos
Reprobates from Port Talbot currently blowing away audiences in a pool of sweat and ringing ears.
Pseudo Cool
Fresh new melodic punk inspired music from Maesteg
Young duo making big noises in Cambridge, England
Exciting and powerful new pop-punk band
Jack City Rockers
Swansea’s answer to McBusted
New and exciting voice from Cardiff whose debut single Green Light Red Light turned a lot of heads.
The Swansea gig also features a full scale exhibition of zines, record artwork, posters, live pics, badges, banners and more, running from August 3rd til September 13th