Reflections on identity following brain injury.

Event Details

Photographs by survivors of brain injury 

Preview Friday May 24th, 7pm

Exhibition continues until Saturday June 22nd

Gallery open Tues – Sat 12 – 7pm

Bar open
Tues & Weds: Midday – 7pm
Thurs: Midday – 11pm
Fri and Sat: Midday – 1 am

To view this information in Welsh, click here

Project manager: Emma Brunton (brain injury survivor) in collaboration with the brain injury service (Swansea Bay UHB), Lee Aspland (Photgrapher), the Health and Well-being Academy (Swansea University)

The aim of the exhibition is to make visible some of the hidden challenges people experience following brain injury. Brain Injury can affect every aspect of a person’s life and fundamentally affect their sense of identity. Survivors typically struggle with the question ‘who I am now’. The exhibition attempts to convey conceptually difficult psychological constructs as people experience life post brain injury. The exhibition includes representations of the self before the injury, immediately after and several years down the line. The work displayed attempts to convey people’s experiences using photographs taken by survivors following brain injury, through our use of filters, colour and sizing of photographs. We hope that our exhibition raises awareness of the full emotional impact of this hidden disability.

The exhibition will be broadly divided into three sections:

  1. Reflections on identity before brain injury
  2. Reflections on identify immediately after brain injury
  3. Reflections on identify long term

This is the first exhibition of our YOURSPACE series of activities. YOURSPACE (in partnership with local community groups) will be a dedicated gallery for showing work, learning new skills and social development. With the support of elysium gallery, this space will be led by the Swansea community. Aimed at community groups who create artwork as a developmental resource, the space will be an outlet for artists and groups on the fringe and champion the creative and independent sectors of Swansea. The space will become a focal point for community creative growth and a place that encourages and celebrates artistic and skills achievement.