Shore Leave

Event Details

  • Date:

Anna Barratt | Kieron Da-Silva Beckerton | Gemma Copp | Philip Cheater | Mizz Diablo | Lucy Donald | Dan Edwards | Jessica Hoad | Becky & Jason | Ann Jordan | Tim Kelly | Asfodelos Leimonas | Jonathan Powell | Sean Puleston | Jill Quigley | Lucy Read | Erin Rickard | Daniel Staveley

Location: Pantywylan Warehouse, Cambrian Quay, Cardigan

Preview: Saturday 16th August, 4 – 9pm

Opening times: Sun 17th, 11am – 4pm / Sat 23rd, 1 – 7pm / Sun 24th, 11am – 4pm / Mon 25th, 1 – 7pm / Sat 30th, 1 – 5pm


Shore Leave is an exhibition of artists chosen by elysiumgallery who have been invited to take over the old Pantywylan Warehouse in the centre of Cardigan during the Colony2014 programme of events. Since its inception in 2007 elysiumgallery has facilitated a wide range of exhibitions, events and studios in various long term empty buildings across Swansea as a roving pop-up space & spreading further afield to other parts of the UK, the 2011 Venice Biennale, and Colorado in 2014 before setting up residence in a disused nightclub in Swansea City Centre. The exhibition takes its name from the periods of time that sailors were allowed on dry land in between long voyages.  Shore Leave was once the scourge of major sea port towns like Cardigan in the 18th and 19th centuries where hundreds of crew members would descend upon the town and over indulge in pleasures that were not available to them during the months on long voyages. These were people out of the routine of life at sea and on unfamiliar territory, in between places resulting in extreme and unpredictable behaviours.

Dr. McCoy: [communicating up to the ship] Captain, are you beaming down?

Captain James T. Kirk: I hadn’t planned to, Bones. Why?

Dr. McCoy: Well, either our scouting probes and detectors are malfunctioning, and all us scouts careless and beauty-intoxicated, or I must report myself unfit for duty.

Captain James T. Kirk: Explain.

Dr. McCoy: On this supposedly uninhabited planet I just saw a large rabbit pull a gold watch from his vest and claim that he was late.

Captain James T. Kirk: That’s pretty good, Bones. All right, I got one for you: The rabbit was followed by a little blonde girl, right?

Dr. McCoy: As a matter of fact, yes, and they disappeared through a hole in a hedge.

Captain James T. Kirk: All right, Doctor, I’ll take your report under consideration.

Extract from Star Trek, episode: Shore Leave, 1966

Now arriving in Cardigan the artists on show cover a wide range of mediums from performance to painting, photography to film and will play with the conventions of fact and fiction, information and imagination.  

Contact Lee Williams at colony projects to arrange viewings and information on tours during the weekdays


tele: 07976110629

Colony Projects is an artist-run, non-profit organisation that aims to capture the spirit of an independent, creative community by encouraging artists and collectives to take greater control of the infrastructure and context of each project.

Their goal is to provide high quality visual art and educational projects; Promoting the processes of multidisciplinary art within the context of a broader cultural scene and to build new relationships among the diverse creative activities and identities in West Wales and beyond. Set up by artists Lee Williams and Chloe Reynolds, Colony Projects strive to ensure that participating artists and students have complete creative freedom and are able to make work that stretches the boundaries of contemporary art and culture.

For Information in Welsh, Click Here.