Small Miracles + Rainyday Rainbow + Truly Kaput & The Midnight Tremblers

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A stellar night of live music headlined by Cardiff’s Small Miracles making their High Street (and Swansea) debut.

Small Miracles are a band fuelled by the desire to challenge the status quo with their music. Based in Cardiff, their genre- bending sound draws from the intensity of Grunge and Post-Punk and the grooves of early New Wave and Disco, infused with an obsession for melody and hooks.

Rainyday Rainbow are Elysium favourites and if you haven’t seen them you’re in for a treat.

“If you dream and breathe in the intoxicating purple smoke of deep psychedelia, if your brain spits and sparks at unhinged jazz and if your meat suit turns hot n heavy and all the other sins at risky rhythm and blues, if you spread hallucinogenic marmalade on your toast in the mornings and enjoy all the flavours brought to heel with subtle vibes before returning full throttle once more, if you like your Beefheart, then Rainyday Rainbow are the magic mush-mish-mash for you.

The combined talents of Egg Spectrum, Tom Emlyn, Evan Collett, and Osian Boland blow the 1960s and 70s dust from record collections, let 2024 right in, and ruthlessly, wittily, cleverly add a multicoloured rainbow of their individual selves.” – Godisinthetv Zine

Truly Kaput & The Midnight TremblersTKMT are Swansea-based artists Joan Jones and Dave Phillips. Long-term collaborators, they birthed the Tremblers in March 2022 amidst an orgy of post-lockdown anthropocenic psychosis.

Exhibitionist-cum-performance artist Joan has performed widely, solo as Truly Kaput, and in queer punk bands such as the Battys and Gender Fascist.

Dave is an occasional DJ and past member of Swansea art collectives Framework and 4-sided Triangle. He started playing bass in 2021 as a mental health guarantor.

Free entry. Music starts 8pm.