THREAD Online Symposium

Event Details

To accompany the current Thread exhibition at elysium gallery, we are hosting a free online symposium on Saturday 2nd October between 3-6pm which will be a selection of conversations with contemporary textile artists.

Thread is gathering of artists from different cultures and lived experiences sharing common ground; an overwhelming interest in the very stuff of textile practice, of lives lived in and though the literal and metaphoric language of thread. Each artist recognising the potential of one drawn out, spun out, teased out fibre in both singular and multiple forms to perform as storyteller, witness, soothsayer, and to be simultaneously capable of healing and harm.

Zoom Details:

Topic: Thread Symposium
Time: Oct 2, 2021 3:00 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 882 6787 0079
Passcode: 686331

Symposium Programme

3.00 – 3.10 Intro – Ann Jordan

Curators Choice

3.10 – 3.20         Lorna Hamilton-Brown

3.20 – 3.30         Angela Maddock

3.30 – 3.40         Ann Jordan

Thread Conversation 1

3.40 – 4.10         Lorna Hamilton-Brown amiltoH & Anya Paintsil

4.10 – 4.20         Q&A

4.20 – 4.30         Comfort Break

Thread Conversation 2

4.30 – 5.00         Angela Maddock, Shelly Goldsmith and Shona MacPherson

5.00 – 5.10         Q&A

Thread Conversation 3

5.00- 5.30           Raisa Kabir, Zehra Jumabhoy and Dan Trivedy

5.30 – 5.40         Q&A

5.40 – 5.55    Comments and Q&A from the audience

5.55 – 6.00         Closing remarks Ann Jordan

The exhibition is curated by Angela Maddock, Lorna Hamilton-Brown and Ann Jordan.

Artists: Shelly Goldsmith | Raisa Kabir | Shona Robin MacPherson | Imogen Mills | Lasmin Salmon | Siwan Thomas