Situated in the elysium Orchard Street studios, the is this/this is test-bed space is primarily used by residency artists and the elysium studios community. The aim is to enable artists to work and experiment towards creating new work in an environment outside of their usual studio practice in preparation for critical discussions within the group. The space enables artists to develop, to build, to take risks, to test and to invite there peers to see the work in progress.
This month College St studios artist Steven Wyleo talks about what he has been up to.
‘My work in the project space is a reaction to the current political, socio-economic, and humanitarian state of the world. Greed, corruption, war, ideologies, self-idolatry, the love and pursuit of money have created a fractured human race. In contract to the many beautiful things in this world we must acknowledge it’s grotesqueness. In this work I have used imagery and text to explore these cultural themes that fog my head and sadden my heart. Read what I’ve written, stare at what I painted; where do you stand? How robust is your identity? How open are your eyes?’