Lucy Read explores the themes of comfort and nourishment as basic staples of survival. Drawing inspiration from Donald Winnicott’s concept of the Holding Space as a liminal space that harbours comfort and creativity. Lucy utilizes a range of materials often taken from every day that have a temporary or ephemeral quality reflecting the cyclic nature of life. The materials chosen play on multiple senses as she draws the viewer in creating an interaction within the exhibition space. Lucy’s fascination with space, material and process combine to create a practice based in sculpture, textiles, performance and drawing. Lucy brings together handmade and digital processes in her work, coupled with a conceptual thread that runs throughout resulting in an eclectic body of work.
Lucy moved to Swansea in 2006 to study a BA in Fine Art. Since graduating in 2009 she has taken part in residencies and exhibitions, most notably at the Mission Gallery, Elysium Gallery and Bath Arts Fringe Festival. Lucy graduated in 2014, gaining a Distinction for MA Textiles at UWTSD. Lucy is a director of Applied Arts Un. Ltd. and continues her work with Twelve34 Gallery and teaches creative workshops.