Michelle Dawson – Praxis | 10th April – 2nd May 2015

Michelle Dawson – Praxis

Preview Friday 10th April 7pm

Exhibition continues until 2nd May

Open Wednesday – Saturday 12-5pm

Admission free

‘Praxis’ is the process by which a theory, lesson or skill is enacted, embodied, or realised. ‘Praxis’ may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realising, or practicing ideas’.

Swansea based artist Michelle Dawson’s work explores personal interactions with ritual objects and sacred places.

Sculptures are made using objects gathered from the beach, woods and wetlands. Branches, shells and feathers are white washed, hidden in bindles or blackened. Forms and images created often connect to the human body or parts of the body being displaced in some way.

She works in an intuitive way with a process of binding and stitching, coating with wax and paint, hanging with yarns and weaving with willow and branches.

Small studies grow into larger works and are often presented as hangings, enclosures and chambers which invite intimacy and contemplation. Wax reliefs, paintings and prints develop alongside sculptures.

Michelle is a graduate from Swansea Metropolitan University and recently exhibited at Colony14 in Cardigan.

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