Paul Munn’s practice as an artist has evolved through object based and installation projects, the latter being realised as room installations that are developed over a period of one to two months before being shown to the public. The work is primarily an exploration of space, both the space between forms and the space within these forms.
Many of the recent projects are defined by the use of metal rods, wire and fabric, often reclaimed off the street. Like the Constructivists he is interested in the application of engineering techniques to the construction of sculpture. The disposition of defined planes and the use of colour are key to his work as they were to Constructivists.
There are also references to Futurism and Cubism. A willingness to invite the outside environment into a sculpted form is a conceptual tool employed by the Futurists who were primarily interested in ‘movement’ and the power of the machine. However the search to establish the position of objects in space as a perceptual rather than conceptual exploration of the world we inhabit was the principle concern for the Cubists.
Having trained as an architect and travelled extensively around Europe and North America Paul then took a degree course in sculpture at Winchester College of Art. Since 1996 he has resided in London and been involved in a number of group and solo shows.