Philip Cheater









Philips practice concerns the graphic elements within society and how they alter our perception of the world we live in. His main body of work develops an optical semiotics of institutional Health and Safety culture and satirises key elements by producing them on a monumental level. Can something intended for our protection become a potential hazard?

The drawings, paintings and installations he is still developing use the patterns found in everyday occurrences, sometimes in mundane locations, then reintegrating the subject into an unfamiliar landscape. Where the subject prohibits the movement of the figure. In this particular instance the subject is Health and Safety.

His work now focuses more on the material nature of this particular subject, developing installations and objects that appear to hold a function through the use of industrial materials and processes.

After graduating with a 1st Class honors in Fine Art in 2011, Philip now has a studio with elsyiumgallery in College Street and has shown work across the country as well as internationally. His current focus is a Public art project in Bristol, launching in May.
