Preview Friday 12th June, 7pm
Exhibition continues until 4th July
Open Wednesday – Saturday 12 – 5pm
Admission Free
Sean Puleston’s work explores the evocative nature of colour and form; their influence over emotions and use as cultural signifiers. His practice is concerned with how communities gather round ideas and how objects and spaces become icons for broader cultural, political and intellectual ideas.
Puleston’s latest body of work Red Rags has been informed by the 1831 Merthyr Rising, focusing on the symbol of the red flag used during this protest, the impulsiveness of the initial gesture and the influence a small piece of unwanted material can gain. Throughout 2015 Red Rags is being developed with support from the Arts Council of Wales, with three exhibitions progressively gaining momentum like that of an emerging political movement.
For elysiumgallery Puleston draws parallels with political arguments found within Dante’s Inferno and the themes of memory, glory and futility from the folklore of Beowulf. Descending into turmoil, falling from grace, the exhibition lures you deeper into a lost or exiled insurrection with scraps of information and tatters of forgotten ideals.
Our social climate is one filled with uncertainty, political agendas are being questioned in regards to economic or public benefit. The red flag is now a political emblem but also a relic from a past culture, slowly fading away within modern life. It symbolized an act of solidarity amongst a community, united in an effort to take control of their future. This representation grew to encompass other ideals like socialism, nationalism, patriotism, collective strength and purpose but also opposition, rebellion, persecution and inevitably at times, death. Using text, images and ideas from acts of civil disobedience that have grown to shape our world today, these works aren’t glorified statements but instead reminders of the problematic nature of conforming to an ideology that exists under a flag.
Sean Puleston gained a BA with First Class Honors in Fine Art – Painting and Drawing from Swansea Metropolitan University. Since graduating he has been shortlisted for several awards including The Jane Phillips Award and the Welsh Eisteddfod Artist Scholarship. Recent commissions include several large-scale public artworks for Locws International, Emergence, Ilfra Expo, and Volcano Theatre. Alongside his public practice Puleston has been invited to exhibit and act as artist in residence throughout Britain and Europe.
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Mae gwaith Sean Puleston yn archwilio natur atgofus lliw a ffurf; eu dylanwad dros emosiynau a’u defnydd fel arwyddwyr diwylliannol. Mae ei waith yn ymwneud â sut mae cymunedau yn casglu ynghylch syniadau a sut mae gwrthrychau a mannau yn troi’n eiconau ar gyfer syniadau diwylliannol, gwleidyddol a deallusol ehangach.
Lywiwyd corff o waith diweddaraf Puleston, Red Rags, gan ‘Gwrthryfel Merthyr’ ym 1831, gan ganolbwyntio ar y symbol y faner coch a ddefnyddiwyd yn ystod y protest, byrbwylltra’r ystum cychwynnol a’r dylanwad y gall darn bach o ddeunydd diangen ennill.
Trwy gydol 2015, mae Red Rags yn cael ei ddatblygu gyda chefnogaeth gan Gyngor Celfyddydau Cymru, gyda tair arddangosfa yn raddol yn ennill momentwm, fel hwna o symudiad gwleidyddol sy’n ymgodi.
Ar gyfer Oriel Elysium, mae Puleston yn tynnu cymariaethau gyda dadleuon gwleidyddol a geir o fewn Dante’s Inferno, a’r themâu o gôf, gogoniant ac oferedd o lên gwerinol Beowulf. Yn disgyn i mewn i helbul, gan ostwng o ras, mae’r arddangosfa yn eich llithio’n ddyfnach i mewn i wrthryfel colledig neu alltudiedig gyda darnau o wybodaeth a deilchion o ddelfrydau angof.
Mae ein hinsawdd gymdeithasol wedi’i lenwi â difaterwch, mae agendâu gwleidyddol yn cael eu cwestiynu o ran budd economaidd neu gyhoeddus. Mae’r faner goch bellach yn arwyddlun wleidyddol, ond hefyd yn grair o ddiwylliant cynt, yn araf yn diflannu o fewn bywyd modern. Roedd yn symbol o weithred o undod ymysg cymuned, wedi’u huno mewn ymdrech i gymryd rheolaeth dros eu dyfodol. Tyfodd y gynrychiolaeth i gwmpasu delfrydau eraill fel sosialaeth, cenedlaetholdeb, gwladgarwch, cryfder a diben casgliadol, ond hefyd gwrthwynebiad, gwrthryfel, erledigaeth ac yn anochel, ar adegau, marwolaeth. Yn defnyddio testun, delweddau a syniadau o weithredoedd o anfudd-dod sifil sydd wedi tyfu I lunio ein byd heddiw, nid yw’r gweithiau hyn yn ddatganiadau ogoneddus ond yn hytrach hatgoffion o’r natur problematig o gydymffurfio âg ideoleg sy’n bodoli o dan faner.
Astudiodd Sean Puleston ym Mhrifysgol Fetropolitan Abertawe yn ennill gradd BA gydag Anrhydedd Dosbarth Cyntaf mewn Celf Gain – Peintio ac Arlunio. Ers graddio mae e wedi cyrraedd y rhestr fer ar gyfer nifer o wobrau gan gynnwys Gwobr Jane Phillips ac Ysgoloriaeth Artist Ifanc Eisteddfod Cymru. Comisiynwyd hefyd ar gyfer nifer o weithiau celf cyhoeddus ar raddfa fawr ar gyfer Locws International, Emergence, Ilfra Expo, a Theatr Volcano. Ochr yn ochr a’i ymarfer cyhoeddus, gwahoddwyd Puleston i arddangos a bod yn artist preswyl ledled Prydain ac Ewrop.