Art in the bar: Louise Burston | 9th November – 21st December 2024

Art in the bar:
Louise Burston
Down the passage we did not take to the door we never opened

As part of this years Beep Painting Biennial, Louise Burston presents a new body of paintings for the latest art in the bar exhibition at elysium gallery.

As starting points for paintings Louise Burston works from a variety of source material such as newspaper cuttings, eBay, old photographs, TV stills and postcards. She is interested in the notion of residual memory and how residual memories play out in the present. Her paintings aim to convey a sense of loss associated with particular places and objects, a haunted-ness that invites the viewer to reflect on the passing of time and where we find ourselves in the present – the fragility and finiteness of everything.

Preview: Sat 9th November 6pm