Beep Painting Biennial 2024: I won’t stay in a world without love | 9th November – 21st December 2024

Beep Painting Biennial 2024: I won’t stay in a world without love

Preview: Saturday 9th November 6pm – late

Continues until Saturday 21st December

Open Weds – Sat 11am -7pm

Artists and visitors from all over the world will converge on Swansea this Winter for the elysium gallery-led Beep Painting Biennial 2024.

Beep originally started life in 2012 and was conceived by artist and elysium gallery director Jonathan Powell. It was borne out of a desire to bring a regular series of ambitious contemporary painting exhibitions to Wales embracing the best and most vital work being created today.

It aims to bring to Wales the best contemporary painting from across the globe, highlighting excellence in content, aesthetic, technique, and materials used. Beep also provides and nurtures an informative network for painters and people interested in contemporary painting by raising awareness of artists’ works and artist opportunities from across the UK and beyond.

The Beep Painting Prize 2024 exhibition features over 440 artists from around the world. All were asked to respond to the theme of ‘I won’t stay in a world without love’, a lyric taken from a discarded Beatles song.  This year there was a change to the application process designed to shake things up, include more artists and make the process easier for overseas artists in light of some of the obstacles caused by Brexit.

As usual artists were able to submit up to two paintings based loosely on this year’s musical theme. Out of all the applications, a long list was drawn up of over 300 artists who were then given the title of a song from a rescued 7” vinyl record and create a new painted cover for it. The painted record covers each measuring 18cm x 18cm, and the music will form the main content of the exhibition.

Our panel of judges then selected a shortlist of their top 40 artists from the original applications which will be displayed in the exhibition, from which the winner of the 2024 Beep Painting Biennial will be chosen.

The shortlisted artists were selected by a panel of judges featuring celebrated musician and Radio Wales host Bronwen Lewis, curator Ann Jones, artist and lecturer Nelson Diplexcito, with award winning Welsh artist Tim Davies selecting work for the Friends of the Glynn Vivian Prize.

The winner, announced on the opening night of the show on Saturday November 9th, will receive £1,500 and a solo exhibition with elysium gallery. The Friends of the Glynn Vivian winner will also receive a monetary award and a show with elysium gallery at a later date.

This year also sees the introduction of the Beep ChildrensPainting Biennial which will open across the road from elysium gallery at Volcano Theatre on Saturday 9th November.

Longlisted Artists:

Susan Adams, Felix Akulw, Jacqueline Alkema, Gail Altschuler, Seren Ambrose-Ellis, Dela Anderson,
Kayde Anobile, Nicky Arscott, Tristram Aver, Emi Avora, Josefina Ayllón, Kay Bainbridge, Richard Baker,
Tom Banks, Colin Barfoot, Sarah Barker Brown, Stephen Bassett, Lorna J Bates, Leila Bebb, Leah Beggs,
Kate Bell, Emma Bennett, Jan Bennett, Helena Benz, Melanie Berman, Dossen Bjørnevik, Zena
Blackwell, Carolyn Blake, Mark Bletcher, Dom Blower, Helen Bose, Ian Boutell, Ciaran Bowen, Day
Bowman, Frank Boyce, Charlotte Brisland, Broughton & Birnie, Duncan Brown, Jeannie Brown, Chris
Bruce, Christy Burdock, Richard Burger, Trevor Burgess, Louise Burston, John Busher, Paul
Butterworth, Lucy Cade, Max Cahn, Catherine Callanan, Ruth Calland, Suzanne Callen, Hannah
Campion, Susan Cantrill-Williams, Julie Caves, Wander Change, Natalie Chapman, Carl Chapple,
Danielle Charles, Diana Charnley, Yizhi Chen, Roberta Cialfi, Jake Clark, Asiya Clarke, Tom Climent, Lara
Cobden, Sarah Cooney, Jayne Cooper, Michael Coppelov, Gemma Cossey, Claire Lily Coxon, Andrew
Cranley, Oona Culley, Gwenllian ap Cymru, Gordon Dalton, Lara Davies, Llyr Davies, Rhiannon Davies,
Dan Davis, Angela Dickens, Robin Dixon, Bernadette Doolan, Tracey Elizabeth Downing, Natalie
Dowse, Tamara Dubnyckyj, Ryan Durrant, Frances Edmonds, Alix Edwards, Andrew Ekins, Sam Elbeik,
Gemma Ellen, Caroline Marg Elliott, Shona Elrick, Elisha Enfield, Debbie Evans-Quek, James Evans,
Louise Evans, Mary Fahy, Rosalind Faram, Stephanie Fawbert, Gina Fear, Samantha Fellows, Mary A.
Fitzgerald, Caitlin Flood- Molyneux, David Foord, James Frew, Tamara Gangnus, Wanda Maria Garner,
Lyndsey Gilmour, Éadaoin Glynn, Komachi Goto, Barbara Gowan, Barbara J Graham, Sarah Grant, Luey
Graves, Tess Gray, James Gregory, Gareth Griffith, Mark Griffiths, Noelle Griffiths, Andrea Grottick,
Dermot Hallahan, Claire Halpin, Abigail Hampsey, David Hancock, Howard Hannah, Lee Hardman, Ellie
Harris, Suzanne Harris, Joanna Hart, Jilly Hartshorn, Ava Hayes, Roger Healey-Dilkes, Karla Healy, Ruth
Heaton, Benjamin Heiken, Alex Hermon, Patrick Hickey, Kurt Hickson, Amy Higgins, John Hiom, Oliver
Hoffmeister, Chris Holley, Bethany Holmes, Anneli Holmström, Sheila Hough, Ronnie Houselander,
Neale Howells, Mandy Hudson, Julian Hughes Watts, Abbie Hulson, Sue Hunt, Glenn Ibbitson, Antonia
Jackson, Kate Jacob, Lee Johnson, Athena Jones, Graham Jones, Lucia Jones, Sal Jones, Wanesa
Kazmierowska, Gareth Kemp, Simon Keenleyside, Kay Keogh, David Kiely, Helen Kincaid, Elizabeth
Kinsella, Charlie Kirkham, Simon Klein, Catherine Knight, Cerys Knighton, Ivilina Kouneva, Kally
Laurence, Robert Lawton, Beth Leahy, Martyna Lebryk, Debbie Lee, CD Lewis, Jolene Liam, Mark
Liptrott, Graham Lister, Naomi Litvack, Yiwen Liu, Sarah Longworth-West, Pennie Lordan, Paula
MacArthur, Daniel MacCarthy, Ciarrai MacCormac, Lynsey MacKenzie, Carrie Mackinnon, Nicholas
Macneil, Rachel Magdeburg, Myles Laurence Mansfield, Lindsay Mapes, Enzo Marra, Rose Marshall,
Anne Martin Walsh, Joy C Martindale, Gavin Maughfling, Eilish McCann, John McClenaghen, Hazel
McCrann, Rachel McDonnell, Alistair S McIntyre, Connor McIntyre, Julian McKenny, Donna McLean,
Wendy McLeod, Cian McLoughlin, Tracey McMaster, Anna McNeil, Margo McNulty, Sharon McPhee,
Sarah Medway, Sneh Mehta, Paul Merrick, Kate Meyrick, Kate Mieczkowska, Henry Miller, Mahrokh
Mofid Nakhaei, Chloe S Moncrieff, Susan Montgomery, James Moore, Jeremy Morgan, Paula
Morgannwg, Remis Moroza, Rachel Mortby, Joanna Mortreux, Paul Mowat, Olga Mun, Jillian Murphy,
Sheree Murphy, Mikk Murray, Aidan Myers, David R Newton, Sam Ng, Christian Niblo Lloyd, Kelly
Norman, Daniella Norton, Yvonne Noworyta, Sean O’Farrell, Elvira Rose Oddy, Mirja Oksanen, Laura
Olohan, Victoria Orr Ewing, Sarah Palmer, Stephen Palmer, Graham Parker, Kashin Patel, Emmet
Patrick, Anna Phillips, Maria Pierides, Ema Pina, Andy Poulter, Nicole Price, Rosey Prince, Caroline
Race, Nessie Ramm, Diana Rattray, Alan Rees-Baynes, Rhiannon Rees, Diane Rogan, Gerda Roper, Beth
J Ross, Beth Rowlands, Euros Rowlands, Maggie Royle, Frances Ryan, Janet Sainsbury, Alan Salisbury,
Anna Marie Savage, Helen Savage, Diana Savostaite, Clare Scott, Annabelle Shelton, Alec Shepley, Julie
Ann Sheridan, Kate Shooter, Tania Skeaping, Luke Skiffington, Michelle Slee, Paul Smith, Victoria
Snazell, Corinna Spencer, Dorry Spikes, Carrie Stanley, Paul Steer, Anja Stenina, Fiona Stewart, Peter
Stiles, André Stitt, Jenni Stuart, Paul Stuart, Joan Sugrue, Uzma Sultan, Linn Sundqvist, Iñaki Susbielles,
Jenny Sutton, Alicja Swiatlon, Shane Synnott, Tamas Szikszay, Christopher Tansey, Clare Thatcher,
Megan Thimm, Andrea Thoma, Ceri Thomas, Evan Thomas, Gwennan Thomas, Stuart Thomas, Katie
Tomlinson, Thomasin Toohie, Rhys Trussler, Hannah Turner-Duffin, Jan Valik, Claude Vergez, Sam
Vicary, Chisara Vidale, Alasdair Wallace, Harry Walsh Foreman, Kieran Walsh, Lorraine Walsh, Kate
Walters, Anya Ward, Tim Waskett, Philip Watkins, Ellen Webster, Lee Welch, Louise West, Sean Lloyd
Wild, Richard Williams, Sean Williams, Susan Elizabeth Wilson, Jess Woodrow, Hannah Wooll, Melanie
Wotton, James Wright, Ara Youn, Qin Yue, Karolina Zglobicka

Shortlisted ‘Top 40’ Artists:

Susan Adams – @susan_j_adams
Seren Ambrose-Ellis – @serenambroseellisart
Dela Anderson –
Nicky Arscott – @nicky_arscott
Emi Avora – @erasmiavora
Zena Blackwell – @zenablackwellartist
Charlotte Brisland – @charlotte.brisland
Trevor Burgess – @trevorburgesspaintings
Louise Burston – @louisejburston
Natalie Chapman – @nataliechapmanartist
Carl Chapple – @carl_chapple
Jake Clark – @jakeclark_artist
Elisha Enfield – @elishaenfield
James Evans –
Louise Evans – @louisealisonevans
Caitlin Flood-Molyneux – @floodmolyneuxart
Lyndsey Gilmour – @lyndsey_gilmour
Alex Hermon –
Kurt Hickson – @kurt_hickson
Oliver Hoffmeister – @oliverhoffmeisterart
Abbie Hulson – @abbie_hulson
Catherine Knight – @catknightart
Beth Leahy –
Debbie Lee – @debbie.lee88
Graham Lister – @lister_art
Ciarrai MacCormac – @ciarraimaccormac
Paul Merrick – @paul.merrick
Rachel McDonnell – @mcdonnell_rachel
Julian McKenny –
James Moore – @j.c_moore
Joanna Mortreux – @joannamortreux
Victoria Orr Ewing – @victoria.oe
Sarah Palmer – @sarahpalmer____
Nicole Price – @nicolerprice
Diana Rattray – @dianarattray27
Euros Rowlands – @eurosrowlands
Alec Shepley – @alec_shepley_art_life
Andre Stitt – @andrestitt
Clare Thatcher – @clare_artist
Philip Watkins –

Image: Caitlin Flood-Molyneux – The Chase