Shelly Hopkins
The Art of borrowing, Tempting but Inconclusive.
Preview Friday May 24th, 7pm
Exhibition continues until Saturday June 22nd
Gallery open Tues – Sat 12 – 7pm
Bar open
Tues & Weds: Midday – 7pm
Thurs: Midday – 11pm
Fri and Sat: Midday – 1 am
To view this information in Welsh, click here
Incorporating photographic portraiture with a range of installational elements, Shelly Hopkins’ practice explores aspects of human behaviour and intellect, and this current work focuses on the subject of ‘gossip’. In the post-truth world of identity theft, social media shaming and false news, Hopkins reminds us of the legacy of gossip. By taking the 18th Century London publication, and purveyor par excellence of gossip and scandal, The Female Tatler, as her starting point, Hopkins draws on the mythical status of its mischievous author – Phoebe Crackenthorpe – and with projection and moving image, creates a complex fiction in an interesting interplay between the historical and the contemporary.
Will the real Phoebe Crackenthorpe please stand up?
Muffled voices become a fraction clearer, louder, bigger, better, bolder, slow shuttering in time, or what that might feel like.
Voice one: It has come to my attention that a small gentleman with a big bank balance and an even bigger opinion of his own worth, assumes his secrets are only his own, Mr Christopher Coppywife, solicitor in Chancery, is certainly the most accomplished of cavaliers, he is equally divided between beau, trollop and business: each giving strenuous application to the other.
You meet him plentifully dirty, loaded with bills, answers, pleas, demurrers and exceptions. He’s a perfect squirrel in the law, skips from Westminster to Temple, to the rolls, to the register just as he skips in and out of the lady’s bedrooms, one his wife, the other his whore.
Artist and post-graduate Shelly Hopkins, alluring portraiture is created by using expired film as elements of risk, she attempts to create imagery that depicts transformative effects of light and colour by using her practiced technique of multi-layering scratches from the surface of the negative with digital abstract markings. She applies the strengths of her medium to achieve expressive and curious photography. Through her work, Hopkins attempts to provoke an inarticulable beyond.
Hopkins art work has been shown in exhibitions in South Wales and London, including ‘Common Nocturne’ and ‘Visio’ at the Exist Skate Park and Elysium Gallery Swansea, and as part of a graduate show at the Copeland Gallery, London. Work has also been featured in Source Magazine Graduate Website Gallery and as part of Lens Culture Website Gallery Portrait Awards.