Heather Parnell – Around the House
Exhibitions opens Friday 28th May 2021*
Continues until Saturday 10th July 2021
Gallery open Wednesday – Saturday, 11- 6pm by appointment only.
*Dates may change due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic
This work is a response to, and record of the edge, border, perimeter, boundary between the artist’s home and the rest of the world during the pandemic. Heather Parnell is a visual artist who is interested in the familiar things that form the common ground of daily human experiences and routines, and the relationship between these objects and the lives we live. She stitches, prints, draws, and casts, exploring the potential of material to reveal and transform those things that are close to hand, often overlooked and in this particular instance, underfoot.
Heather Parnell divides her time between her studio practice, art education and Arts in Health. She is the recipient of awards and scholarships from the Leverhulme Trust, the Arts Council of Wales, and Wales Arts International, has exhibited widely and undertaken residencies in Egypt, Japan and the UK.
Instagram: @heatherwinterparnell
Visitors to elysium gallery WILL HAVE TO BOOK a FREE time slot:
Household Name Tickets, Multiple Dates | Eventbrite
(if you have already booked to see any of the other exhibitions you do not need to book again).
Due to COVID -19 we have a limited capacity to ensure public and staff safety.
Doors to the exhibition at elysium will open on the hour every hour for ten minutes between 11am and 5pm.
If you want to book another slot straight after so you can spend longer with the exhibition, then you may do so if spaces are free.