The Occidental Tourists are a Dublin Based group of artists. Working primarily but not exclusively in lens based digital media, this reprisal show presents the groups varying research interests. The culmination of the show was the collaborative video piece based on the western line of the LUAS, Dublin’s light rail… read more
Cabba Hey | 16th January 2009
Mr and Mrs Clark present A Post-Christmas/January Blues “Cabba Hey” to exercise the festive spirit and damn any misgivings for the New Year. With elements of the original “Cabba Hey” performance at Expermentica 2007 and performed at the opening of the Elysium Artspace this show will be a surreal selection of song,… read more
Mike Murray – Building Blocks | 12th December – 10th January
Mike Murray – Building Blocks A mixed media show consisting of sculptural interventions using technology, place and the moving image. Building blocks: A4 to A1 is an exploration of the boundary or border line between urban planning and nature. The artworks are made up of a juxtapose of found media and a certain degree… read more
On Drawing | 14th – 22nd November 2008
An exhibition of drawing by the staff of the foundation Art and Design course at Swansea Metropolitan University. The teaching and practice of drawing are central to the philosophy and delivery of the foundation course. On drawing reflects this concern and, through the variety of drawing and definitions of drawing… read more
Body Shop | 4th and 5th November 2008
‘The Body Shop’ is a production created by final year performing arts students at Swansea Metropolitan University. ‘The Body Shop’ is set in the not so distant future where it is common place to pop down the local body shop to pick up a new set of eyes, have a… read more
Sojo Circus | 31st October 2008
Film makers Thanks to all who submitted work for this international film night. Running Order Large Screen Fashion Death – Daniel Rodrigo Incubus Succubus – Virginia Head The Magic Of Jones & Jonesetta – Mike Russell First Take – Shelley Davies Le Sauvignon Cheval – Mark Love Broken Trees, Other… read more
DragOn | 24th – 31st October 2008
Works on Paper | 27th September – 18th October 2008
Works on paper Artists Heidi Mehta | Eileen White | Jane Maddox | Virginia Head | Jane Bennett | Pauline Thomas | Kara Seaman | Naomi Greaves | Kate Evans | Pascal Michel Dubois | Marcus Irwin | Maria Hansen | Anastasia G Wildig | Anna Barratt | Victoria Duczek Woodward… read more
Naomi Leake – Looking for Love | 16th August – 14th September 2008
Looking for Love In one sense Looking for love is a documentary about the people of Swansea. Using art as a pretext with which to engage people the artist Naomi Leake, goes speed dating in a wedding dress and kerb crawling dressed as a sheep in a notorious Welsh drinking… read more
Body Shop | 31st May 2008
‘The Body Shop’ is a production created by final year performing arts students at Swansea Metropolitan University. ‘The Body Shop’ is set in the not so distant future where it is common place to pop down the local body shop to pick up a new set of eyes, have a… read more